LBJ's GREAT SOCIETY

           In his State of the Union message on January 4, Lyndon declared that the fate of the nation depends upon the availability of adequate medical treatment for all Americans. In his Inaugural address on January 20th Lyndon said, "In a land of healing miracles, neighbors must not suffer and die untended ... every sick body made whole — like a candle added to an altar — brightens the hope of all the faithful." Meanvlhile, Lyndon had lighted his own little candle. He brightened the hope of the faithful by closing 14 U.S. Government hospitals in order to cut $25 million from his budget.
"In a land of wealth, families must not live in hopeless poverty," said Lyndon in his Unaugural Address.In Kansas City on January 19. On January 8th the Federal Trade Commission announced the filing of a complaint against Merck & Co. The charge is that Merck has lied to the public about the healing qualities of its "Sucretes" cough drops. On January 15 the Senate confirmed Lyndon's appointment of Merck president John T. Connor as Secretary of Commerce. Connor, having been policy-maker for Merck when it lied about its cough drops, will now be policy-maker for the business department of the U.S. Government. They are all honorable men.

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